WatchCare Incontinence Management System
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WatchCare Incontinence Management System

Provides caregivers with real-time incontinence detection.


47% of hospital patients are incontinent—and of those, 45% of those have incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) during their stay.1 Incontinent patients are also more than three times as likely to develop a relevant pressure injury than continent patients2, with skin able to be compromised as little as 15 minutes after exposure to moisture.3


Incontinence can also negatively impact a patient’s mental health and quality of life. Improving the patient experience and reducing skin breakdown/pressure injuries can have measurable impacts on patient satisfaction, clinical outcomes and hospital economics.


The WatchCare™ Incontinence Management System was designed to elevate the patient experience and enhance safety through real-time incontinence care by:

  • Protecting patients' skin
  • Improving patient experience
  • Optimizing caregiver effectiveness
A female patient lies on top of a Watchcare smart pad. Her clinician, wearing gloves, is ready to help her move.


Technology integrated into Centrella®, VersaCare® and Progressa® beds


Absorbent smart pads detect moisture and communicate to technology


Customizable notifications enable prompt, individualized care

Protect Patients' Skin

The WatchCare System:

  • Provides timely alerts to help reduce patient exposure to moisture
  • May minimize the threat of painful IAD and full-thickness pressure injuries
  • Was shown to reduce the time that skin was exposed to moisture from 2+ hours to 19 minutes in a 36-bed med-surg unit4
A clinician holds the hand of a patient lying in bed.

Improve Patient Experience

The WatchCare System's discrete, real-time incontinence notifications may:

  • Provide peace of mind for patients and families
  • Monitor patients without awkward incontinence checks
  • Eliminate embarrassment of self-reporting and help promote patient dignity


Optimize Caregiver Effectiveness

The WatchCare System's real-time notifications of incontinence promotes:

  • Responsiveness to incontinence events
  • Prioritized patient care

Education & Documentation

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Product Documentation

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  1. Gray M and Guiliano K. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2018;45:63-67. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  2. Lachenbruch C, et al. WOCN Poster 2016. Pressure Ulcer Risk in the Incontinent Patient: Analysis of Incontinence and Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers from the International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Survey.
  3. Phipps L, Gray M. Call E. Single Exposure to Clinically Relevant Levels of Moisture Contained by an Incontinence Pad Comprises Skin Health.
  4. Abbott C, et al. Incontinence Management System Use Significantly Reduces Incontinence Exposure Time. 2019 American College of Wound Healing and Tissue Repair Conference.